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حماية الدايموند بلس

النوع : 003305
حالة التوفر : متوفر
S.R 126.50
السعر بدون ضريبة : S.R 110.00

Unquestioningly the finest and most carefully formulated paint sealant on the market. USC rated Diamond Shine Plus as the BEST wax and paint sealant on the market after being put up against 25 of the best waxes and paint sealants on the market! Factors to determine results included gloss, durability and corrosion resistance. Diamond Shine Plus was proven to: 1. Increase the gloss of the test area by 20% or more 2. Lose less than 2% of the gloss after the washings 3. Not lose any water beading during and after the 12 washings 4. Exhibit corrosion protection that was better than the unwaxed control pane

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